In the near future, as AI begins to provide AI-generated answers in many of our online and smart device searches, I became curious about how AI perceives its competitor, SEO. This is particularly interesting considering that its algorithms still use backlinks to determine an article's importance for securing top spots in related searches.

In this study, I compared the answers from the following Six Chat Models using this one question: ”What are the Five Most Effective Ways to Build Backlinks and Get Higher Rankings in SERPs in 2024?

Note: These results were not modified or checked with Grammarly. I copied the full results of each chat conversation without altering any of the responses.

Here are the Results:

The general agreement among various AI chat responses was similar regarding their suggestions. However, the reasons and explanations behind these suggestions varied greatly. Below are the summarized recommendations:

Remember to prioritize quality over quantity and maintain white hat practices for long-term SEO.