AI is becoming more prominent every day, and there’s no question it will change the WordPress business. Many changes are already taking place. This article showcases what might be different in the near future, as well as what’s happening currently.

You’ve probably been hearing a ton about AI (artificial intelligence), which describes human reasoning mimicked in machines – especially computer systems. Specifically, AI includes natural language processing, speech recognition, machine vision, and expert systems.

In this article, we’ll focus on advancements that pertain to WordPress and what it looks like now that AI has its grip on the industry.

This introductory article covers the following:

Plus, we’ll try to answer the biggest question of them all: Will WordPress Developers Be Out of a Job?

So, adjust those AI-created reading glasses, and let’s begin!

How AI Will Change the WordPress Industry

AI has its eye on the WordPress industry.

Knowing that AI is here to stay, there’s bound to be speculation about how AI will change the WordPress industry. Will it be for the better? Worse? Can AI take my job as a developer?

We’re no fortune tellers here, but we can determine a few industry changes that will more than likely take place. A lot of it has already.

Here’s a breakdown of some of AI’s major changes to the WordPress industry.

Website Building

Machines that build websites? It’s not a sci-fi movie, it’s reality. There are already companies that are in the process of building algorithms that can build websites (e.g. Wix ADI, Hostinger, and Jimdo).

ChatGPT is also a game changer for WordPress developers. It’s a chatbox developed by OpenAI that uses a language processing model to generate text based on user inputs. Its applications range from making code based on texts to generating content.