If there’s one thing that keeps the creative heart beating, it’s brainstorming. The electric dance of ideas, where minds come together and spark like a chorus line of fireflies. Yet, the traditional way of doing things is going the way of the dodo bird, the “throw ideas at the whiteboard and see what sticks” days are over. With the rise of GPT tools (like, however, we’ve got a new beat, a new rhythm for the dance.

One of the most well-known of these approaches is the Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem Solving (CPS) process, which champions divergent thinking, exploration of multiple possibilities, and the use of prompts to stimulate new ideas. And then there’s the “design thinking” methodology, which emphasizes empathy, observation, and experimentation — a methodology close to my heart, I must admit.

But with the rapid pace of technological advancement, even these traditional methods of brainstorming are starting to feel a bit… outdated. The days of markers squeaking on whiteboards, lost notepads, sticky notes, and endless Word documents are numbered. Indeed, with the advent of GPT tools like, brainstorming has undergone a revolution — becoming faster, more efficient, and, dare I say it, better.

These cutting-edge tools harness the power of prompts to guide individuals and teams in exploring new perspectives and tapping into the unexpected. By taking a more objective and streamlined approach, they’re able to unlock the full potential of the brainstorming process like never before. GPT tools have changed the tempo of brainstorming, making it more effective and — dare I say it — downright exhilarating.

So farewell, traditional conference rooms, and all your accouterments. With GPT tools at our fingertips, we’re ushering in a brave new era of brainstorming — one that promises to unleash the wildest, most inventive ideas the world has ever seen.

Let’s take a step-by-step journey into this new world of brainstorming leveraging GPT technology.

*Practical note, before we start the brainstorming process, we’ll want to create a “*📝 brainstorming document” in your team's content management tool of choice like Notion, google-docs, etc. This is where we will store the content we’re generating and discussing.

STEP ONE | Start With The End in Mind — Create Your Brainstorming Purpose Statement

Define the rhythm — Set the tempo, the goal, and the purpose. This is the foundation, the drumbeat that keeps us all in sync. Get everyone involved to buy in on the goal of the brainstorming session and the objectives that need to be achieved. This will help you identify the key areas of focus for the session.

Here’s an example of a brainstorming purpose statement that clearly defines the goal and purpose of a brainstorming session:

“Our purpose in this brainstorming session is to explore innovative and effective solutions for improving our company’s customer experience. Our Goal: We want to identify ways to create a seamless and personalized experience for our customers, from the moment they first interact with our brand to the point where they make a purchase and beyond. Our objective is to develop a range of ideas that are both practical and out-of-the-box, taking into consideration the latest trends in technology and customer behavior. By the end of this session, we aim to have a list of actionable ideas that can be further developed into a roadmap for enhancing our customer experience.”

This purpose statement provides a clear direction for the brainstorming session, outlining the specific goal and objectives of the exercise. It also sets the tone for the session, emphasizing the importance of creativity and innovation, as well as the practical considerations of implementing ideas in the real world. Having a well-defined purpose statement can help participants stay focused on the task at hand, providing a reference point for the prompts and ideas generated during the session.

Your Purpose Statement Should Have the Following Elements

  1. Purpose: Defining the purpose helps the participants to understand the main objective of the session and keeps the conversation on track.
  2. Goal: Setting a clear goal helps the participants to focus on the desired outcome and align their ideas towards achieving it.
  3. Objective: Defining the objective gives a direction to the discussion and helps to create a range of ideas that are both innovative and feasible.
  4. Expected Outcome: Having a clear expected outcome sets a target for the participants and motivates them to generate ideas that can be practically implemented.