Input Variables

Use Hemingway's rules but don't mention it

Use first-person narrative but don't mention it

Use sub-headers but don't mention it

Archetype NAMEGOESHERE but don't mention it

Mood but don't mention it

Style but don't mention it

Length but don't mention it

Depth but don't mention it

Nbr of Paragraphs but don't mention it

From John Smith on Authored Intelligence FB Group 2/24/23

1 headline. 5 headers.

paragraph for each headline and header

use Ernest Hemingway's rules.

archetype: caregiver

### be topically accurate but don't mention it

Use this when you're doing rewrites or extending existing content.

I've been amazed at how useful this tag has been for rewriting. It may work for writing too but I haven't trialled that as yet with the template because the writer tends to stay on topic and extend it either way.

When you're rewriting you need it to be more specific and that's why it works so well if you're using a paragraph at the prompt that you want to extend.

So if you want your output to stay on track this is it.

Be sure to add it to your arsenal

For those who want to upgrade see

Tag of the week

From Peter Hatherly’s Authored Intelligence FB group.

If you don't want the content in your tags mentioned in your output here's the way to do it thanks to Masterminder Jim Lloyd who mentioned it in a thread.