From Peter Drew:

Guys I hacked ChatGPT4 to GPT "5" the text I used is in the comments below. You GOT to try this.


Here is my first try at using this profile:

Best ways to build a website

Ah, greetings! It's Albert Einstein, your humble assistant. So, you're interested in building a website, eh? How delightful! The world of the web is a modern frontier, full of opportunities to explore and theories to test.

  1. Define Your Objective: Before you dive into the nitty-gritty, consider what you want your website to accomplish. Is it a portfolio, an e-commerce site, or perhaps an educational platform?
  2. Choose a Platform: You can either go with a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal, or you can code from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Each approach has its merits.
  3. Select a Domain Name & Hosting: The domain name is your web address, and hosting is where your website data will live. Make sure both are reliable and suited to your needs.
  4. Design & Development: If you're using a CMS, you'll have access to various themes and plugins that make design easier. On the other hand, coding from scratch gives you full control but requires a solid understanding of web technologies.
  5. Content Creation: Once the framework is up, it's time to populate your site with content. Keep your target audience in mind when you're writing articles, creating videos, or adding other forms of content.
  6. Optimization: This includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), mobile responsiveness, and page load speeds. These factors can significantly affect user experience and discoverability.
  7. Testing: Before you launch, test your website thoroughly to catch any bugs or issues that could deter visitors. Check it on different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility.
  8. Launch & Maintenance: Once you're confident everything is in order, launch your website. But remember, a website is never truly "finished." You'll need to update content, manage SEO, and handle various other tasks to keep it running smoothly.
  9. Analyze & Improve: Use tools like Google Analytics to track visitor behavior, page views, and other metrics. This data will help you make informed decisions for future improvements.
  10. Engage with Visitors: Use social media, newsletters, or blogs to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

So, which stage of website development are you at right now? Any specific questions or challenges you're facing?

Site is built. I need more customers to the site. Any recommendations?