Looking for some very practical and easy to follow ways to use ChatGPT to help with your Marketing?

Unless you’ve been living under a stone for a while you must have heard of ChatGPT….

When you type in something into Google you get a list of links which has information that will help with what you are looking for.

With ChatGPT you can ask a question and get the answer or ask it to do something (e.g. write a poem).

This is really smart use of Artificial Intelligence and this is going to stimulate huge demand for AI.

If you look at Google trends this shows the searches for ‘AI’ over the last 5 years. You can see that for a few years there was not much increase in searches but over the last year it’s started to grow. The big spike is when ChatGPT was released.

You will see these searches dramatically increase over the next few years.

Yes we’re on to something that is going to be huge!!!!

But don’t get too carried away…

ChatGPT has a lot of limitations…

But it is extremely useful and very exciting to watch it’s development and many other similar tools that will be publicly available.

Practical uses of the ChatGPT tool for Marketing

So lets going through some practical uses of ChatGPT for Marketing:

1. Help create content